This week's non-movie topic: "I'll bet you're wondering what tonight's topic is. Well, you'll just have to listen to the episode to find that out. It's a SURPRISE. (Hence the episode title.)"
Personal Preamble:
Something about the holidays, I'm sure.
Listener Feedback:
Voice mail from the SquidLord, host of Operation BSU
Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
Seriously -- it's a SURPRISE topic! You'll just have to listen to the episode to find out what was discussed. Oh, fine. Want a hint? Here's a link that was added to the chat:
SecuROM Woes--WARNING: This YouTube video contains much language.
Thanks to EGgold and Infinity Nevermore for participating in the voice chat!
Thanks also to Brooke, Shakes, Purplestarz2006, the Evil Twin, and Dev for playing with us in the text chat.
Celebrity of the Month Discussion: "From his early days as an alien sent to observe earth to his current conquering of the box office, Robin Williams has had a varied but incredibly entertaining career. Tonight, we're going to talk about some of our favorite parts of that career, whether it be his animation voice-over work in Aladdin and Ferngully or his Oscar®-winning turn in Good Will Hunting. On the stage doing Stand-up or on the big screen cutting up. Handling both comedy and drama with talent and grace, our celebrity of the month is Robin Williams."
Personal Preamble:
My inane life was even more inane than normal.
Listener feedback:
Email from Dev, read during the main topic.
Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - spaces added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
The Movie Topic: "Angelina Jolie is pregnant -- again! Tom Cruise is a control freak! Britney Spears is crazy! Lindsay Lohan and Amy Winehouse are in rehab! There seems to be no shortage of dirt that "sources close to the situation" are willing to dish. Combine that with obnoxious photographers who go to great pains to invade the privacy of celebrities to get just the right photo in the wrong light, and you have what passes for celebrity news these days. How do you feel about the invasiveness of the tabloid reporting that has become common practice even in the so-called mainstream media? How far is really TOO far?"
Personal Preamble:
Had to miss the Austin TGIO due to illness. Le Sigh.
Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
Thanks also to The Evil Twin, Infinity Nevermore, BZATWORK, Spinnah_and_QT, Dev, SimChris, Terri, Brooke, saturdaymornings, and Andrea for playing with us in the text chat!