The Movie Topic: "Today is Valentine's Day, and we're going to be looking at LOVE... through a slightly skewed lens. From those classic pick-up lines, like, "Want some candy, little girl?" to the marital bliss of widowhood, tonight's topic is love... as a plot device."
Personal Preamble:
Not a fan of Valentine's day.
Listener Feedback:
None this week.
Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
Specific Movie Talk: "This is the story of True Love. Love like the world has never seen before, and will likely never see again... although it seems everyone who is "in love" feels like their love is TRUE love, but let's not even OPEN that can of worms, okay? This is the story... of The Princess Bride."
Personal Preamble:
Episode 054 released.
New show schedule on the website. (Look above! It's there!)
Sis is having a boy! This will be my first nephew!
Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.