"We all have TV shows, movies, music, and podcasts that we'd just as soon the world at large not know about us. Certain entertainments -- especially popular entertainments -- hold some kind of stigma, and once the cat is out of the bag, you're marked. (Not by the cat.) Tonight we're going to look at such entertainments and hopefully expose some of our listeners' deepest darkest media secrets when they confess to us... their guilty pleasures."
- Preamble:
- Report on the evening's Murder Mystery. (It was the best audience ever.)
- Feedback:
- Two emails, one each from SimChris and Dev. Both were related to the main topic and were read in that portion of the show.
- Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
- Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (412) I'M-SO-FAB (467-6322). Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
- Two emails, one each from SimChris and Dev. Both were related to the main topic and were read in that portion of the show.
- Discussion of the concept of guilty pleasures and many, many examples among the live participants -- including flickguy's own deep, dark secret revealed!
- Although it is mentioned in the show that this would be a "name link" in the "Thanks for participating" section below, I thought it merited an actual mention in the show notes: Our very own Brent Irwin was in a show at school, and it's been posted to YouTube. It's called TwiFright and is a pretty danged funny parody of the Harry Potter and Twilight franchises. Check it out!
- Promo: Girls Night In Radio - Hosted by Maggie, Jaime, and Rachel, GNIR is a fun podcast where they "review movies, answer wacky questions, and talk about things that women talk about on a girls night in."
- Special thanks to Samantha, Wendiigo and SimChris for their voice participation.
- Thanks also to Logan, Dev, and Brent for playing with us in the text chat!
- Music used in this episode:
- Bumper music composed by Kevin MacLeod
- Intro and Outro: Darkness is Coming
- Main Event: Classic Horror 1
- (Kevin MacLeod's music is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
- Bumper music composed by Kevin MacLeod
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June 12, 2010:
SMT #27: Boys on the Side