On the Schedule

This schedule is subject to change, right up until the start time of the show. (I'm just a meanie-head like that.)

May 10, 2008

CONTEST -- (Rules and Details)

I want to announce a CONTEST! That's right, YOU can win a $25 Amazon.com gift certificate just by picking the Specific Movie Topic for August! How do you do that? You send me suggestions for movies.


All entries must be done via email. ( flickabrac @gmail .com -- spaces added to defend against spambots ) You can send as many suggestions as you want, as long as you don't double any. You can also send them in as many separate messages as you want. You can send one message with 20 suggestions, or you can send 20 messages with one suggestion each. That's up to you.

Entries must be made from a valid email address, preferably the one with which you have an Amazon.com account. They must also have your name attached somehow... it can be your real name, a pseudonym, or even your Talkshoe ID (if you're a regular live visitor and don't want the world to know who you *really* are). This is so I know who to say won when your movie is picked as the winner.

YOU CANNOT PICK A MOVIE THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED IN THE SMT! Entries that suggest a Pixar movie, Gremlins (or 2), Stranger than Fiction, The Santa Clause (or 2 or 3), The Breakfast Club, Rent, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, any Friday the 13th movie, Pay It Forward, Spider-Man trilogy, or one of the films scheduled for the Specific Movie Talk for July, will not be considered. The July SMT topic IS already set, though it will not be revealed until the appropriate time.

Contest is open to anyone, anywhere, as long as entrant has access and willingness to use the Amazon.com website.

Deadline for entries is 1:00 am Eastern time on Friday, June 6, 2008*.


Listeners will select the winner. At some point on Friday, June 6, 2008*, I will post a poll to the flick-a-brac show notes web site. The ten movies with the highest number of write-in recommendations will be on the poll. In the event of ties to fill the last slots, *FLICKGUY WILL BE THE SELECTOR*

The poll will be open until 1:00 am Eastern time Saturday, July 5, 2008. Whichever movie has the highest number of votes will be declared the Specific Movie Talk topic for the August 2 episode. Again, in the event of a tie *FLICKGUY WILL BE THE SELECTOR*

If the winning movie was initially suggested by one person, that person will win the gift certificate. If the movie was suggested by two or more people, the winner will be chosen via random drawing. The winner of the gift certificate will be announced in EPISODE 50, the July 26 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL.

Winner need not be present to win... though winner will find out sooner if winner *is* present.

So pick the Specific Movie Talk for August. And win a gift certificate for $25.

(*NOTE: These rules were initially announced in Episode 038. The deadline for entries was originally announced as June 7, but certain events over the week following 038 have forced me to change the deadline. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.)

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