On the Schedule

This schedule is subject to change, right up until the start time of the show. (I'm just a meanie-head like that.)

April 26, 2008

EPISODE 037 - Pod People

This week's non-movie topic:
"Pretending that anyone cares about what you have to say is one of the big cornerstones to having a podcast. Sometimes, however, a podcaster presents his / her / their points of view in such an entertaining way that others are inexplicably drawn to listen. Just like with movies, there is something out there for everyone -- even me, who swore for many many moons that I would never get hooked on podcasts. So tell me... what podcasts do you like, and what keeps you listening to them? What drew you in the first place? And why are you wasting your time here instead of listening to the ones you really like? (Okay, that was my obligatory self-shot. We now return you to your regularly scheduled chat.)"Download the episode!
(Right-click and Save As.)

May 3, 2008:
SMT #9: Pay It Forward

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