"In 1974, a young telekinetic named Carrie shocked the nation with her tale of vengeance in small-town high school. On November 11, 2008, a new book of stories will be pubhlished under the name Just After Sunset, sure to thrill readers. The writer of those, and more than 50 other works over the last 34 years, is my all-time favorite author. At one point the half-joke was told that if he writes it, a movie will be made from it. That makes him fair game for flick-a-brac, and thanks to Terri, who reminded me that the celebrity of the month doesn't *have* to be an actor, this week we get to talk about the master or horror himself, Stephen King."
- Personal Preamble:
- Geek is Chic 24-hour Podcastathon was a rousing success!
- Visit The Breast Cancer Site every day to help fund free mammograms.
- Reminder - National Novel Writing Month begins November 1.
- Geek is Chic 24-hour Podcastathon was a rousing success!
- Listener feedback:
- Email from Dev.
- Voice mail from Rachel (from Sims 2 Challenges).
- Voice mail from Maggie (from Girls Night In Radio).
- Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - spaces added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
- Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
- In Theaters the week of October 24.
- Mini-review of City of Ember.
- Discussion of Stephen King:
- Official Page
- Wikipedia page
- IMDb entry
- This discussion tended more toward King's books, so it was agreed that flick-a-brac will revisit King's movies as a separate topic at a later date, to be announced.
- Thanks to Terri and Wendiigo for their voice participation!
- Thanks also to Laurie in Georgia, Dev, SimChris, Rachel, EGgold, and Andrea for playing with us in the text chat!
- Music used in this episode:
- Bumper music composed by StudioMig
- Intro and Outro: Robot
- New in Theaters: The Sword of Fire
- Movie Review: Sherlock
- Main Event: Transformers
- PC Halloween by Devo Spice, part of The FuMP (The Funny Music Project):
- (With appreciation to the Podsafe Music Network)
- Bumper music composed by StudioMig
(Right-click and Save As.)
October 25, 2008:
NaNoWriMo - Year 10
November 1, 2008:
SMT #15: The Lion King
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