"In the Spring of 2000, Electronic Arts released a game, created by Maxis, that would change the lives of gamers everywhere. Not the uber-gamers, of course, but more casual gamers. That game was The Sims, a life simulator that put you in control of little pixellated characters on the screen. In the fall of 2004, Electronic Arts released the sequel to this game that brought a brand new dimension to the pixellated characters that we loved. As of June 2, 2009, a third incarnation of this game will be released. But since it's not out yet, we're going to revisit a topic that we had way back in flick-a-brac episode 004: The Sims 2."
[Please note: At the time of recording, Electronic Arts had not yet announced the releasing delay of Sims 3 and is stated as being February 16.]
- Listener Feedback:
- Email from Infinity Nevermore
- Voice mail from Maggie, co-host of Girls Night In Radio
- Send your email feedback to flickabrac @gmail .com - space added to protect against spambots. If you don't want it read on the show, please make a note of that.
- Alternately, you can call the voice mail line at (206) 350-2310. Line open 24/7. Standard calling rates apply. Calls will be played on the show.
- In Theaters the week of January 30.
- In Theaters the week of February 6.
- Mini-review of Inkheart.
- Discussion of The Sims 2, including the following links:
- Promo: Piggymoto: All-Star Boar Band, a podcast novel by Nicholas McRae
- Super massive thanks to my special guest co-hosts for the episode: Rachel,SimChris, and Samantha
- Thanks to Terri for participating in the voice chat!
- Thanks also to Whispers, Shakes, EGgold, Infinity Nevermore, purplestarz2006, Wendiigo, and Dev for playing with us in the text chat.
- Music used in this episode:
- Bumper music composed by StudioMig
- Intro and Outro: Robot
- New in Theaters: The Sword of Fire
- Movie Review: Sherlock
- Main Event: Transformers
- (With appreciation to the Podsafe Music Network)
- Bumper music composed by StudioMig
Or download the episode!
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February 7, 2009:
SMT #19: The Princess Bride
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